Different Types of CBD Product for Wholesale

cbd wholesaleHealth stores and pharmacies alike may wish to stock CBD oil for their customers. When purchasing CBD wholesale, retail stores can choose from a variety of products that are all designed for different types of illness. CBD oil is generally available as a balm, spray, capsule, or extracted oil. Depending on the type of customer that a retail store services, one or all of these products may be suitable.

cbd wholesaleBalms. Balms are generally designed to help with topical issues, such as pain. CBD balm is also used for non-medical purposes. It is believed that CBD (and hemp) contribute to clearer, brighter, healthier, and fresher skin, though this has not been proven in studies. Balms may be created as a form of lotion, which may also include other ingredients such as vitamin A.

Sprays. Sprays may appear to be used as topical treatments, but they are usually used as a way to dose a patient orally. Sprays can, however, also be used topically. Sprays are usually measured out in doses and are effective faster than capsules. Because of this, sprays may be best suited to patients that have pain or other issues that they need a fast response for.

cbd wholesaleCapsules. Capsules are one of the easiest ways to take a very precise dosage of CBD orally. CBD capsules may be taken for pain, treatment of cancer, and other issues, though these use cases should be run by a physician first. The only challenge when using capsules is that they cannot be used topically and that they cannot be split into multiple doses. Retail stores may find that capsules are appealing to patients because they are familiar and easy to use.

cbd wholesaleExtracted Oils. Extracted oils are the most precise method of dosing with CBD. Extracted oils are often very high in CBD and can be dosed using oral syringes. They can also be added to lotions, put in edible foods (such as honey), and otherwise incorporated into other products. Extracted oils are likely to be the most versatile type of CBD product for a retailer's patients.

All CBD wholesale products are generally legal throughout the United States, but retailers may still want to check with their municipality regarding any special regulations that they might need to follow. As a hemp-derived product, most CBD extracts do not contain any THC or any chemical that could otherwise be considered mind-altering.

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